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Saturday, January 27, 2024

This simple annual test can help you live a long and healthy life upto 100 years - Sportskeeda

Living a full life that stretches past 100 might seem like a big goal. But it's not just about eating your vegetables or hitting the gym - keeping tabs on your health regularly is vital too. And we're not just talking about a yearly visit to your doctor when you're under the weather - it is about routine health check-ups.

Annual health check-ups are super important, and they become even more necessary as you get older. Studies suggest that people over 80 need to see their doctor every three months. But if you're between 65 and 80 and in good health, a yearly visit should do the trick.

During these regular health check-ups, there's one critical test to ask for - a yearly blood test.

Why the yearly blood test for long and healthy life?

You can get to know about the bodily functions as well (Image via Unsplash/ Testalize Me)
You can get to know about the bodily functions as well (Image via Unsplash/ Testalize Me)

Annual blood tests should be on your list once you hit your mid-40s. But what's it all about? Well, it checks the levels of vitamins in your blood and the function of your organs like the kidney and liver, and for guys, there's an additional prostate-specific antigen test. One can get lots of information from just one simple blood test.

Having these checks annually can help spot serious health conditions early. The goal here is to nip any potential big problems in the bud before they become a major headache.

Physical Health is not the Only Thing

People who laugh a lot tend to have a longer lifespan (Image via Unsplash/ Sam Mcnamara)
People who laugh a lot tend to have a longer lifespan (Image via Unsplash/ Sam Mcnamara)

Physical health is a big part of living a good, long life but it's not the whole picture. This underlines the importance of your mental well-being too. Research shows that happy people tend to live longer than those who are down in the dumps.

As you get older, it can get lonely. The kids leave home, you're not working anymore, and you might not be out and about as much. This can make you feel isolated and lead to depression.

Steps to lead a century-long Life

Working out and stress management can help lead to a healthy age (Image via Unsplash/ Rod Long)
Working out and stress management can help lead to a healthy age (Image via Unsplash/ Rod Long)

On top of these routine tests and mental health check-ins, your day-to-day habits play a huge role. Eating good food and staying active - all this goes a long way in helping you live a few more years. Even 15 minutes of light exercise a day can make a difference!

If we're real, many factors determine how long we live. The way we live every day is a big part of it. But regular check-ups give a good heads up on potential health issues early. Combine all of these and you'll be on your way to reaching that hundred-year goal.

To wrap things up, staying healthy isn't just about exercise or the foods you eat. Keeping track of your health by going for annual check-ups, and more importantly, getting that yearly blood test can be the key to unlocking a long, healthy lifespan.

Nobody is saying to outlive everyone else and become a centenarian. But it wouldn't hurt to take care of your life and health.

Edited by Ankush Das

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