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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

HEALTHY LIVING: How to maintain 'SMART' lifestyle - Covington News

Q: A lot of scams scour the internet nowadays. What are some of the best programs that you would recommend for people to avoid those scams?

MJA: There are so many self-proclaimed nutritionists out there. You have to really be careful and look for sources and information about these people. Just because they’ve been successful in losing weight or they’re a bodybuilder, doesn’t make them a nutrition expert. 

Looking for registered dietitians when you’re looking for nutrition information is helpful. Just because it’s on the internet doesn’t mean it’s true. 

Something I always tend to look for is, are they selling you something? Are they trying to sell you a whole plethora of nutrition supplements? Are they trying to sell you pre-packaged meals? Usually, there’s some gimmick there. If their program works, then you wouldn’t need to continue to buy whatever they sell. 

As far as nutrition programs, I feel like when a lot of patients come to me, they’ve been through a lot of them. Maybe they’ve had some success, but ultimately failed in the end. [Those programs] can be successful but, again, it’s still teaching you to be reliant on the program instead of teaching you how to make those healthy choices on your own. 

I think working with a registered dietitian when you’re able to is helpful and looking for information on dietitians can be helpful, too. 

Q: Each year, people make new year’s resolutions to lose weight. But, for the most part, those resolutions seem to fade as we progress through the year. If someone came to you discouraged about their new year’s resolution, what advice would you give to help them keep pushing for that goal? 

MJA: So many of us make these resolutions of, “I’m going to lose 25 pounds,” and don’t have any plan on how to get there. So, we start off January 1 and we’re like “I’m just going to eat salad.” Then, all you eat is salad for a week and you’re like, “okay, this has gotten old.” Then you go back to what you were doing before and kind of let it go. 

Instead, I like to make these S.M.A.R.T. goals. So, let’s sit down and specifically say, “this is where I’d like to be,” but what is something that’s going to set me up for success? 

You’re not going to lose 20 pounds in a week. You might like to, but it’s not going to happen that way. Healthy weight loss is going to one to two pounds a week. It’ll be slow and steady. That’s the kind of weight loss that’s going to be sustained. 

We know people who have lost 20 pounds in a week, but usually they’ve gained back 30 pounds in two months. 

So, getting back to setting goals that are realistic, then let’s talk about what you’re doing right now. 

I usually set three goals with people and we’ll set those goals for about six to eight weeks. Once we’re being successful with those and there are actual changed habits, then we might add some more. 

Are you drinking a lot of sugary drinks? Then that’s a way to cut out some calories. Just saying specifically, “I usually drink five cokes a day. So, I’m going to try and cut back to drinking two cokes a day.” If you really love coke and every time you turn around you’re going to want a coke, you probably can’t just cut them out cold turkey. So, try to set a specific goal that you can be successful at and it also sets you up to make those good choices again and again instead of saying, “Man, I drank a coke. Now I can’t check this off my list. So, I might as well go back to drinking all the cokes I was before.” 

Also, if you’re not exercising at all, it’s unrealistic to say, “starting tomorrow, I’m going to exercise for two hours for four days a week.” It’s just not going to happen. And, if you say, “I hate walking on the treadmill,” then find something you enjoy doing. And, if you’re not exercising at all, maybe 15 minutes twice a week is where you need to start. Start small then build it. 

As much as we’re all living in an instant gratification world, it’s not something that’s going to happen overnight. Not if we want to make those lasting changes.

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