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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Questioning milk's supremacy in school lunchrooms | News | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health - HSPH News

June 21, 2024 —Americans have long been told that cow’s milk is an essential part of a healthy diet, especially for children. But nutrition experts are increasingly questioning whether it merits a protected spot on the nation’s school lunch trays.

Schools must offer milk at every breakfast and lunch service to qualify for federal reimbursement, and some require that all children take it. Other beverages such as water can’t be offered in a way that competes with milk and can’t be used as a substitute for it in a reimbursable meal.

These policies are a problem for multiple reasons, experts say. Most people of color and many white people are lactose intolerant and can be made ill by consuming dairy. In addition, requiring kids to take milk leads to considerable food waste as nearly half of it winds up in the trash. Dairy milk production has a higher carbon footprint than non-dairy alternatives such as soy or almond milk. And what’s more, its nutrition superstar status appears to have been overstated.

Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition, has said that milk is optional for people who are consuming a healthy diet, and that it is not necessary for most adults and adolescents to consume the recommended three daily servings of dairy.

Citing this research in a May 31 Vox article, Erica Kenney, assistant professor of public health nutrition, said that milk should always be optional in school meals. She noted that while children and adults need calcium for healthy bones, it can come from other sources than milk, including nuts, tofu, and dark leafy greens. There are also other ways to improve bone health, such as reducing alcohol consumption and exercising.

Read the Vox article: Big Milk has taken over American schools

Photo: iStock / bonniej

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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Are SunChips Healthy? - Outside

In my twenties, chips, gummy bears, and the cheesiest burritos I could make once fueled all of my runs, climbs, and camping trips. Now well into my mid-thirties and trying to set a better example for my growing toddler, I’ve spent the last two years rewriting my usual travel menu. I’ve largely replaced Skittles with real fruit and beer with La Croix. Flaming Hot Cheetos no longer claim permanent residency in my glove box. These days, as I stock up on snacks at the grocery store, my cart overflows with berries and carrot sticks.

But I can’t seem to kick my chip habit. After all, what’s a camping trip without a good bag of chips? On a recent snack run, I scanned the rows of Lays and Doritos, and quickly walked by the impostors—cauliflower crackers and freeze-dried broccoli don’t count—until my eyes fell on the row of SunChips.

Nostalgia washed over me as I reached for a red bag of the Garden Salsa flavor. Growing up in the nineties, SunChips were the snack. I distinctly remember opening my childhood best friend’s pantry with envy and grabbing the always-present bag of French Onion SunChips.

SunChips’ Appeal to Health-Conscious Outdoorsy Types

In retrospect, I’m not sure I totally understand the hype. Sure, they’re totally delicious—mouthwateringly salty, with a slightly sweet aftertaste. Each flavor brings something a little different, from the gentle bite of Garden Salsa to Ranch that bursts with tang. And there’s something about the way they crunch: hearty, like you’re biting into a snack of substance. But there are a lot of other good chips out there. SunChip’s secret to success was, of course, that millennials like me grew up assuming they were better for you than regular chips.

During its 1991 debut, SunChips leaned into the healthy branding: “multigrain snacks” appeared in big letters on the bag, next to a bright sun and a stalk of wheat. A few years later, the company added “30% less fat than regular potato chips,” pandering to nineties diet culture. Today, SunChips’ packaging still screams, in huge font, “100% Whole Grain.”

Back then, with flavors like Harvest Cheddar and Garden Salsa, who were we to argue? In the early days, SunChips weren’t only highlighting ingredients and fat percentages; they were specifically targeting outdoorsy types. One ad from the nineties pans over a desert scene as a couple munches on SunChips on top of a camping trailer, enjoying the sunset.

SunChips’ intentional alignment with the outdoorsy, sporty crowd created an aura of health around the snack, so—regardless of whether the claims were totally true—the brand leaned in more. There were puns about sunblock and sunscreen in many of its commercials. Then, in 2008, SunChips appeared on shelves in what the brand claimed was the world’s first compostable bag.

But planet-friendly packaging and camping commercials don’t equate to health food. Consumers actually pushed back against the “too-noisy” SunChips bags, and the brand quietly returned to its less eco-friendly, but quieter bags two years after that particular marketing push fell flat.

Are SunChips Healthy?

Health has been front and center in SunChips’ marketing campaigns over the last 33 years, and they at least had me convinced for a few decades that the chips were a healthier option than other brands. But lately, as I overhauled my family’s summertime shopping list, I started to wonder whether I’d been duped.

The answer, according to registered dietitian nutritionist Lauren Manaker, is complicated. SunChips really are made with whole grains, which are key for sufficient intake of fiber and nutrients, like B vitamins, iron, and magnesium. Neglecting whole grains in your diet could increase the risk of chronic illnesses, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer, due to missing out on the protective antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties found in these foods.

That said, SunChips still have salt and fat—110 milligrams and 6 grams per serving of the original flavor, respectively. Sodium and fat are key parts of a healthy diet, but Manaker says you should eat them in moderation.

“Ideally, people are getting their whole-grain fix from ancient grains, whole-grain bread, and other similar foods that do not contain large quantities of added salt and fat,” she says. “But since most Americans are missing the mark, these can be a healthier choice than a deep-fried potato chip.”

a breakdown of the nutritional values of Kettle chips, Cheetos, and SunChips to answer: Are SunChips healthy?
Nutritional values for each snack

When I compared the nutritional facts of SunChips’ Garden Salsa (my personal favorite) with Kettle’s Air-Fried Himalayan Salt chips and my guilty pleasure, Flaming Hot Cheetos, I was surprised to see that Kettle was the overall healthiest. Cheetos carried 11 grams of fat, compared to SunChips’ and Kettles’ 6 grams, and both SunChips and Cheetos had some saturated fat—at 0.5 grams and 1.5 grams, respectively—compared to Kettle’s zero. Kettle has a whopping 370 milligrams of potassium and 2 grams of protein; the others have neither. When it comes to sodium, Cheetos come with 210 milligrams per serving, SunChips have 140 milligrams, and Kettle chips have 135 milligrams. And finally, for all of its marketing around whole grains, SunChips has 2 grams of fiber, which is a bit more than Kettle’s 1 gram and Cheetos’ less than a gram.

Numbers aside, for me—someone who strives to make fresh produce and simple whole grains the main part of my diet—I don’t see any harm in grabbing a bag of SunChips on my next trip to the store. I’m also trying to unlearn the “good-food, bad-food” language that most millennials grew up with. I want my two-year-old to eat food because he’s hungry and it makes him feel good, instead of slapping labels on his meals and snacks. So if the two of us want to munch on some chips of the Garden Salsa variety from the comfort of our camp chairs, that’s exactly what we’re going to do on our next trip.

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6 Expert-Approved Foods That Will Help You Hack Your Hydration During the Heat Wave - CNET

Drinking water is always essential, especially during a heat wave. But water on its own isn't enough to keep you hydrated as we reach extreme heat; you also need electrolytes, especially if you spend a lot of time outside. Electrolytes are found in sports drinks, supplements and certain foods. They help keep you hydrated and replenish minerals lost through sweat. 

Some foods are hydrating and full of electrolytes and nutrients, which can help quench your thirst while keeping you healthy. They'll also go a long way in keeping you hydrated through the heat wave. We spoke with an expert to narrow down which foods you should keep stocked in your fridge and the key hydration benefits they provide. 

Also, see how much water you're supposed to drink and why you should drink more of it, and get our expert electrolyte hacks to start using today.

How to tell if you're hydrated

Hydration needs vary based on your size, activity level and how much you sweat. Gabriela Barreto, a registered dietitian and sports nutritionist says there are two indicators of hydration level: your thirst and the color of your urine. "Drinking to thirst can be appropriate for most individuals to maintain their hydration levels and as for urine, you're looking for a pale yellow color," says Barreto. She says the only times you shouldn't be concerned about the color of your urine are during your first pee of the morning because it tends to be dark, or if you are taking vitamin B supplements, which make urine more likely to appear bright yellow. 

Read more: Best Reusable Water Bottles

Barreto recommends that besides food and water, a hydration supplement such as Skratch can benefit individuals with active jobs and people who work out or spend a lot of time in the heat outdoors. "Utilizing a hydration product can be useful to increase your body's water stores," she says. "I recommend a hydration product with 300 to 500 milligrams of sodium and preferably about 20 grams of carbohydrates." Keep in mind an electrolyte drink without carbohydrates will help with rehydration, too, just not as efficiently. So make sure to read the labels first to choose the best option for your needs.

A clear glass with a cascade of water pouring in.
Stefania Pelfini, La Waziya Photography/Getty Images

Which foods are most hydrating?

Most foods contain some amount of water, but it probably won't surprise you to learn that fruits and vegetables are at the top of the list. 

To get the most out of these hydrating fruits and vegetables, make sure you follow standard dietary guidelines. Barreto says, "Dietary guidelines recommend two to three servings of fruit and three to four servings of vegetables for most adults." There are no specific guidelines for hydrating fruits and veggies, but by eating the daily recommended amount of produce you will be adding to your hydration, she says. 

It is estimated that 20% to 30% of fluid needs can come from food, including fruits and veggies. By combining certain foods, you can boost your hydration. "When looking to adequately rehydrate, carbohydrates, fluid and sodium are key," says Barreto, adding, "Carbohydrates are important for optimizing water and sodium absorption in the body."

Watermelon and other melons

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Watermelon isn't just a fruit that is synonymous with summer, it's also highly hydrating. It's made up of 92% water and has antioxidants, important nutrients like vitamins A and C, magnesium, fiber and lycopene (a pigment found in red, yellow or orange-colored fruits and vegetables). Other melons such as cantaloupe are also made up of 90% water and are a good source of potassium, folate, as well as vitamins A and C

Barreto says one hydrating summer recipe to try is a cucumber and watermelon salad with lime, mint and salty feta. As previously mentioned, the sodium and carbohydrates will help the body easily absorb the water from the fruit. Barreto points out that for this reason, you'll also notice some sports dietitians recommend sprinkling some salt on your watermelon.


Cucumbers are made up of 95% water and consist of vitamins like vitamin K, magnesium and potassium. This refreshing veggie can be easily added to salads, sandwiches, water or eaten on its own. Its high water content also makes it a low-calorie vegetable and is an ideal food to add to your diet if you're looking to lose weight and feel full longer. 


This versatile vegetable does well as an addition to soups, stir-fries, salads and as a side. Popular summer squashes like zucchini are a good source of vitamin C, potassium and fiber and are made up of 94% water. The high water and fiber content will keep you full and hydrated for an extended period. 


This popular summer fruit is full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, manganese and folate. It's an easy fruit to add into smoothies, yogurt, salads or eat on its own. Strawberries are made up of 91% water, making them the perfect fruit to quench your thirst and satisfy your sweet tooth. 

fruits and vegetables in bowls on table

Many in-season fruits and vegetables can help keep you hydrated.

Getty Images/ASMR

Lettuce and other leafy greens

Make a salad out of lettuce and other greens like lettuce, watercress, spinach or bok choy, which have high water content and provide lots of vitamins and minerals. Lettuce consists of 96% water and has folate, fiber and vitamins K and A. Spinach is high in iron, folic acid, calcium and vitamins C and A. Watercress, meanwhile, provides 100% of the recommended dietary intake for vitamin K, which is an essential nutrient for blood clotting and maintaining healthy bones. Bok choy is abundant in vitamins K and C, which means any combination of these greens is guaranteed to provide you with a salad full of nutrients. 

Citrus fruits

If you enjoy oranges, grapefruits, limes and other citrus fruits, then eat up. Citrus fruits tend to be made up of about 80% water, making them good options for hydration. They are also high in vitamin C and fiber and are good for supporting your immune system. They're even versatile enough to add to fruit salads, eat on their own, add to water or salads and even as a marinade for proteins, such as chicken or fish. 

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Friday, June 21, 2024

SNAP-Ed Connects Culture, Land, and Food -

Posted by Kat Mueller, Program Specialist, USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), Western Regional Office (WRO) in Equity Food and Nutrition Nutrition Security

Jun 21, 2024

For many communities, the SNAP-Education program provides much more than basic nutrition guidance. In Kāneʻohe (in Honolulu), Hawaii, the SNAP-Ed funded Luluku Farms’ Aloha ʻĀina Agri-Cultural Restoration project uses the ʻĀina (land) to preserve traditional crops so the community can achieve self-sustainability, while providing keiki (kids) opportunities to learn about their cultural and traditional practices — as well as nutrition education. The notion of fertile land that Aloha ʻĀina symbolizes promotes community engagement, bolsters cultural preservation, and improves nutrition security by increasing community access to culturally appropriate foods.

Keiki from local schools travel to Luluku Farms weekly to plant and harvest crops, and learn how to prepare and preserve traditional foods, like kalo (taro). Project efforts also include community workshops to demonstrate proper use of tools needed to manually process starchy foods.

A person kneeling on grass and holding up a plant by its root

Earlier this year, my colleague, Rachel Page, and I had the opportunity to join the Hawaii Department of Human Services (DHS) for a SNAP-Ed visit to this site, which partners with ‘Āina Momona, the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH), and the University of Hawaii to bolster nutrition security for families facing economic challenges, while also promoting food ownership and traditional food preparation practices.

On our tour, led by program director, taro farmer, and land steward Mark Paikuli-Stride, we learned how versatile kalo is:

  • the leaves (Lu’au) can be used to make Lu’au stew (which tastes somewhat like spinach); and
  • the roots attached to the kalo (huluhulu) can be mashed to make poi (which tastes similar to potato) or grated and steamed to make hash.

The efforts of the partnership and project seek to continue educational outreach and other social restorative projects to enrich the lives of the community, including providing education and resources to those in need. All outreach efforts prioritize family and community engagement. We are grateful our Hawaii SNAP-Ed partners welcomed us, providing an opportunity to experience the great work Aloha ʻĀina is doing for the community in the aloha spirit!

A plate of food: Lu’au stew and kalo hash

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Shake shakedown: New police video shows arrests in Alliance nutrition drink theft case - Cleveland 19 News

ALLIANCE, Ohio (WOIO) - New police body camera footage obtained by 19 Investigates shows the arrests of a Pennsylvania man and woman who are accused of using fraudulent coupons to steal nearly $1,600 worth of Ensure nutrition shakes from two Alliance grocery stores.

Soud Kanan, 27, and Asmaa Kanan, 25, both of Sharon, Pennsylvania, were arrested around 7:20 p.m. Wednesday in the parking lot outside of Marc’s on W. State St. in Alliance.

Soud Kanan, 27, and Asmaa Kanan, 25, of Sharon, Pennsylvania
Soud Kanan, 27, and Asmaa Kanan, 25, of Sharon, Pennsylvania(Alliance Police Department)

In the video, the suspects can be seen standing next to a Penske rental van with a shopping cart full of Ensure drinks.

According to Alliance Police, the pair loaded up $892.73 worth of merchandise at the store, including 80 packs of Endure, and then used 190 fraudulent coupons during the checkout process to reduce the total cost to $43.94.

Investigators said Asmaa Kanan abandoned a second shopping cart containing 60 packs of Ensure when she saw police enter the store.

In addition to the shakes in the shopping cart, officers also found hundreds of packs of Ensure in the back of the van. Police said they believe the bottled drinks were illegally obtained from Marc’s stores in Boardman and Salem.

Alliance Police said they found hundreds of packs of Ensure nutrition shakes in the back of a...
Alliance Police said they found hundreds of packs of Ensure nutrition shakes in the back of a rental van following the arrests of Soud and Asmaa Kanan on Wednesday evening.(Source: Alliance Police)

The suspects are also accused of stealing $703.36 worth of Ensure from Meijer in Alliance on June 11.

Police said Soud Kanan filled two carts up with 84 packs of Ensure and then went to the self-checkout where he used 20 fraudulent coupons after scanning 20 packs of drinks.

According to investigators, he failed to scan the remaining 64 packs of drinks and then loaded all 84 packs into a Penske van outside of the grocery store.

Two people have been arrested in connection with a $1,600 theft of nutrition drinks from...
Two people have been arrested in connection with a $1,600 theft of nutrition drinks from Meijer and Marc’s grocery stores in Alliance.(Source: Alliance Police)

The total amount of merchandise stolen from the Alliance stores was $1,596.09, police said.

The Kanans have both been charged with theft, a fifth-degree felony, and were booked into the Stark County Jail.

Court records show they were released from jail on Thursday after posting $10,000 bond.

The suspects are scheduled to be arraigned in Alliance Municipal Court on Friday afternoon.

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

New study shows healthy lifestyle benefits even those in their 80s - Medical Xpress

Healthy lifestyle benefits even those in their 80s

A healthy lifestyle may be beneficial even at a very advanced age, according to a study published online June 20 in JAMA Network Open.

Yaqi Li, Ph.D., from Fudan University in China, and colleagues examined healthy lifestyle and the likelihood of becoming centenarians among people aged 80 years and older in China. The analysis included data from 5,222 individuals participating in the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey.

The researchers found that during a median follow-up of five years, 373 of 1,486 individuals with the lowest healthy lifestyle score for 100 (HLS-100; score of 0 to 2) and 276 of 851 individuals with the highest HLS-100 (score of 5 to 6) became centenarians.

For the highest versus the lowest HLS-100 groups, the adjusted odds ratio was 1.61. When looking at centenarians with a relatively healthy status (e.g., self-reported , physical and cognitive function, and mental wellness), a similar association was seen (adjusted odds ratio, 1.54).

"Adhering to a appears to be important even at late ages, suggesting that constructing strategic plans to improve among all may play a key role in promoting healthy aging and longevity," the authors write.

More information: Yaqi Li et al, Healthy Lifestyle and the Likelihood of Becoming a Centenarian, JAMA Network Open (2024). DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.17931

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